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Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs
Age of Empires 3: The Warchiefs 1.04 Patch (HUN)

Méret 19 MB

Verziószám 1.04 (HUN)

Feltöltés dátuma 2007.09.09

Letöltések száma 3020

Kapcsolódó weboldal Link

Az Age of Empires III című RTS Warchiefs kiegészítőjéhez új javítás látott napvilágot, mely a kövekezőket tartalmazza:

Client Fixes
Fixed the Firepit bug and exploit.
Fixed some out-of-sync bugs.
Added fixes to increase the detection of players using multiplayer hacks, cheats and out-of-sync clients in online gameplay.
Fixed the text of some cards, units and techs.

New Features
Added custom online scenario support for multiplayer games.
Certain conditions, triggers and effects are usable while in ESO.

Balance Changes
Starting Travois is not able to transform into Warhuts in Nomad Age or Discovery Age. Starting Travois is now called "Discovery Travois" and is a clone of the current unit that can build everything it can now, EXCEPT Warhuts.
Great House card reduces cost of Town Centers by 25% (down from 50%). Damage is reduced to 50% down from by 100%.
Kanya Horsemen receive x2 bonus modifier versus Artillery.
Musket Rider receive x2.5 bonus modifier versus Artillery.
Light Cannon range reduced to 32 from 34.
Agrarian Ways card changed to provide no cost (set wood, gold, food to 0) for upgrades of mills and plantations.
Thoroughbreds card provides a 15% reduction in both cost and training time. No longer provides a reduction in population cost for Cuirassiers.
Settler Batch trains faster, time reduced by 2 seconds.
Eagle Runner Knights reduced hand attack and ranged damage by 2 and increased bonus factor versus Heavy Cavalry and Coyote Runners from x2.5 to x3.
Coyote Runners increase speed from 6 to 6.25.
The Warchief aura bonus multiplier is increased from x2 to x3.
Agrarian Ways card changed to provide no cost (set wood, gold, food to 0) for upgrades of mills and plantations.
Rodeleros hand attack reduced by 2 and increased bonus factor versus cavalry from x3.0 to x3.5.
No change.
Organ Guns improved versus buildings, siege bonus changed from x0.5 to x0.75.
Abus Gun train faster, time reduced 3 seconds, 42 down from 45.
Dog Soldiers train faster, train points down to 55 from 60.
War Club hack armor increased to .20, up from .10.
Added 1 starting food crate.
Bow Riders reduced in cost. Gold cost was reduced by 25g and bounty changed to 18.
Wakina Riflemen attack range reduced by 2 from 20 down to 18.
No change.
Improve Dopplesodner unit hitpoints by 30hp.
Shipment rate improved from -14% to -10% (1.14 to 1.10)
General Changes
Town Center wagons now build 33% faster. Train points up to 1.33 from 1.0.
Town Centers get a negative bonus versus artillery. Added x.50 factor versus siege.
Saloon Outlaws improved - reduce train time by 10 seconds.
Cavalry Archer improved by increasing their multiplier versus cavalry. Up to x3.0 from x2.25.
Spy multiplier versus natives reduced to 4, down from 6.
Improved Hussar, Cossack, Uhlan, Axe Rider, and Kanya Riders ranged resistance armor by 0.10.

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