Brian válasza: ...semmit, ezt a játékot azoknak a rajongóknak készítjük, akik támogattak minket, és nem az újabb játékosok "homályos" csoportjának. Semmi olyat nem fogok tenni, ami csalódást okozna a keménymagnak.
GB: Unfortunately, role-playing games have lost much of their original identity in recent years, thanks in part to the popularity of first-person action RPGs. How do you convince a newer or younger RPG fan who has grown accustomed to the action-focused titles to give Wasteland 2 a shot?
Brian: Well here is the beauty of fan funding... we don't have to convince some younger RPG player of anything. I am making this game for the wonderful fans who put their money behind us and not some nebulous group of new people. Let's make the game they all expect and let the chips fall where they may. There is just no way I'm going to consider anything that could let down the core.